Some configuration options affect the Monitoring Station interface. These can be modified by manually inputting settings in the up.time Configuration panel, as outlined in Modifying up.time Config Panel Settings.

Status Alert Acknowledgement

When services reach a warning or critical state, administrators can flag an alert as “acknowledged,” which prevents subsequent alerts from being broadcasted, giving them time to investigate the issue. See Acknowledging Alerts for more information.

Service status alert acknowledgements can be reported in the status tables on the Global Scan dashboard. By default, status alert acknowledgement counts are not shown; if enabled a new column (labelled ACK) appears in the Service Status section of Global Scan. When the current status of a monitor is acknowledged, it appears in the ACK column instead of in the WARN or CRIT column.

You can enable or disable status acknowledgement (that is, add or remove the ACK column from the status tables) through the following parameter (the default value is shown):

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3D Graphs

When performance and availability graphs are generated, the Graph Editor is used to manipulate the appearance of graphed data (see Using the Graph Editor). Transformations from a three-dimensional perspective are possible if the user account permits it (see Adding Users), and the user is connecting to the Monitoring Station using Internet Explorer.

This 3D presentation option can be disabled outright. You can determine whether ActiveX graphs are displayed in 3D for users with Internet Explorer through the following parameter (the default value is shown):



Custom Dashboard Tabs

Custom dashboards can be added to My Portal to display custom content that is relevant to the particular user who is currently logged in. Up to 50 dashboards can be added, each of which is accessed through, and viewed in, its own tab at the top of My Portal.

A custom dashboard tab is configured by pointing up.time to a custom Web page, and indicating which User Group will be able to view it. You can enable and configure the first dashboard through the following parameters:


Values for the first three parameters are required. If no name is specified for the User Group parameter (or, if no User Groups have been defined), the custom dashboard will be visible to all up.time users. Thus, a User Group parameter is only required if you want to restrict or refine user access to a particular custom dashboard.

To create additional tabs, add the same set of parameters, but increment the tab count:

  • No labels