


up.time NetFlow is a NetFlow analyzer that takes advantage of communications standards for Cisco IOS networking devices (as well as other compatible switches and routers) to retrieve and store network traffic information for users, systems, and applications. It allows administrators to monitor, graph, and report on network usage patterns, and locate the heaviest traffic creators.

To help you establish up.time as the core component for tracking the performance and reliability of your network, you can integrate an up.time NetFlow instance with up.time. Once integrated, you can perform the following tasks in up.time:

Integrating an up.time NetFlow Instance with up.time

To access up.time NetFlow data directly from up.time, the up.time NetFlow instance must first be configured:

  1. Access the Config tab in the Monitoring Station web interface.
  2. Click up.time Configuration to display the configuration panel.
  3. Add the following entries to the text box:
  4. Click Update.

Related Documentation:
How to display the NetFlow dashboard using IE
Platform Support and Integration Changes in 7.3