This article explains how to use the snmpwalk command line tool (Linux) or the iReasoning MIB Browser (Windows) to explore which SNMP OIDs are provided from a specific network device.  This output is helpful when troubleshooting why a network device is failing to add into up.time.

If there is an issue adding a Network Device element to up.time, it is possible to review the OID's available on the network device by using the snmpwalk command line tool available on most Linux installs or by using the Windows GUI tool, iReasoning MIB Browser.

It is possible to identify if there are any OID's missing that up.time requires for monitoring the Network Device.  A list of the OID's used by up.time is available in the Configuration and Performance Metrics for Network Devices article.

Snmpwalk and iReasoning MIB Browser can be installed on any server that has network access to the network device that will be analyzed but it is helpful to install on the up.time Monitoring Station server to also test the SNMP connectivity between the Monitoring Station and the network device.

Net-SNMP's snmpwalk


iReasoning MIB Browser

Further Documentation