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Performing regular backups of your up.time DataStore is a highly recommended practice. The DataStore is the up.time backbone and holds all configuration information and historical performance data. This article outlines five common methods for backing up your DataStore.





These backup methods are intended for a single Monitoring Station. Never attempt to merge two or more Monitoring Station configurations in a single database.




Option 1: Creating a tar or zip Archive


One backup option is to regularly create tar or zip archives of your /datastore directory. This is the most straightforward method but requires up.time to be stopped during the backup period.


To use this method, simply include the /datastore directory in the tar/zip archive. If you need to recover your DataStore from a tar/zip archive, ensure that all up.time services are stopped and that you delete the existing /datastore files before extracting your archive.


  1. Archive the datastore directory.

    On a Windows system:

    1. Locate the up.time install directory (default C:\Program Files\uptime software\uptime).
    2. Archive the \datastore directory (using an archiving tool such as Winzip).
    3. Move the zip archive to another system or drive.

    On a Unix system, enter the following commands:

    Code Block
    # cd /usr/local/uptime OR cd /opt/uptime
    (depending on the OS)
    # tar -cvf uptime_backup.tar datastore
    # gzip uptime_backup.tar
  2. Start the up.time services -  Review Starting and Stopping up.time


Option 2: Using the mysqldump Tool


mysqldump is a free utility included with the standard up.time MySQL database. This tool will export DataStore contents into a human readable .sql file that can later be used to recreate your DataStore. The commands below detail how to export both configuration and performance data using mysqldump.


NOTE: The following sample commands are provided with the assumption that you are executing them from the up.time installation directory and that the default database access options have not been changed. If any parameters have changed, refer to your uptime.conf file for the correct port, user, password and database access information.


The standard format for the mysqldump command is as follows: 

mysqldump --single-transaction -u[username] -p[password] -P[port #] --protocol=tcp [dbname]


By adding > mybackup.sql to the commands below, all mysqldump data will be directed to the the mybackup.sql file file. The mybackup.sql file  file name should be changed to a date-stamped file name for easy reference.


mysql/bin/mysqldump --single-transaction -uuptime -puptime -P3308 --protocol=TCP uptime > mybackup.sql




The [dbname] variable may be uptime_v4 if your database was created in up.time 4.

Exporting Only Your Configuration Information
