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Database Users 

The default up.time Uptime Infrastructure Monitor installation is configured with the following MySQL users:


The reports user can remotely perform queries in the up.time Uptime Infrastructure Monitor DataStore and may be used by an up.time Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Reporting Instance or by a third party reporting tool that connects to up.time Uptime Infrastructure Monitor via ODBC.

For information on setting up an ODBC driver, see Connecting to the up.time Uptime Infrastructure Monitor DataStore via ODBC.

Change Passwords for the Default Users

The default passwords for the three up.time Uptime Infrastructure Monitor user accounts should be changed by following these steps:

  1. At the command prompt on the monitoring station, login to MySQL as the root user by typing:

    Code Block
    mysql -uroot -puptimerocks -P3308 --protocol=tcp

    where: uptimerocks is the password for the root user

  2. Next, change the password by typing:

    Code Block
    mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR `user'@'localhost' = PASSWORD (new_password);


    • SET PASSWORD is the MySQL command that assigns or changes a password to a user account.
    • user is the user name for which you want to change the password.
    • PASSWORD (); is the MySQL function that encrypts the new password.
    • new_password is the updated password.
  3. Repeat the SET PASSWORD statement for each MySQL user listed in the up.time Uptime Infrastructure Monitor user guide.
  4. If you want to limit the domains from which users can access the database, type the following command:

    Code Block
    SET PASSWORD FOR `user'@'domain_name' = PASSWORD (new_password);

    where: domain_name is the domain or IP address from which the user will be allowed to access the database (if the user attempts to access the database from a different domain or IP address, that user will not be able to log in).