Versions Compared


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The up.time Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Linux Agent is provided in a RPM and DEB package format, so you will need an RPM or Debian package manager tool to install the Agent.

The latest release of the Agent is available at the downloads page.

Previous releases of the up.time Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Agent have had different package names, so uninstalling may require a different name (ex. SPYNuptm, uptmagnt, uptimeagent-linux).

RPM Packages

Code Block
To install the Agent, run the following command:


# rpm -i uptimeagent-$VER-linux-$ARCH.rpm


To uninstall the Agent using RPM, run the following command:


# rpm -e uptimeagent


Debian Packages

Code Block
To install the Agent, run the following command:


# dpkg -i uptimeagent-$VER-linux-$ARCH.deb


To uninstall the Agent, use the following command:


# dpkg -P 






titleAgent Password

The Agent's password will be removed when re-installing or upgrading the agent, the password will need to be re-entered.

Xinetd vs. Daemon Mode 

By default the uptime-agent is installed to under Xinetd Mode. Which has historically been the most efficient method for managing the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor agent's life cycle, as it allows for easy configuration of things like agent-port and system level logging. Though recent versions of Redhat no longer install xinetd as part of their initial install. See this article Running the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor agent under Daemon Mode without Xinetd for details on how to enable this. Content by LabelshowLabelsfalsemax5spacesIKAsortmodifiedshowSpacefalsereversetruetypepagelabelsInstall Uninstall