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The Platform Performance Gatherer

The Platform Performance Gatherer is a host check that collects basic performance metrics -- for example, CPU performance and disk statistics -- from a system in order to determine whether that system is functioning.

After an Element is added to Uptime Infrastructure Monitor, you can modify some of its settings (e.g., how frequently, and under which conditions an alert is triggered). The specific settings you can modify depend on the type of Element.

Editing the Platform Performance Gatherer

To edit the Platform Performance Gatherer settings, the following:

  1. On the Global Scan dashboard or My Infrastructure panel, click the gear icon beside the name of an Element, then click View.

  2. On the Element’s profile page, click the Services tab, then click Manage Services.
  3. Click the Edit icon for the Platform Performance Gatherer.
    The Edit Service Monitor window appears.
  4. Edit the settings for the Platform Performance Gatherer.
    While you can edit any setting, the settings that you are most likely to change, depending on the Element type, are as follows:
    • Port Number
      The number of the port on which the Platform Performance Gatherer is collecting data from a host.
      For most systems, this setting is labelled Agent Port Number. For systems running Net-SNMP this setting is labelled SNMP Port, and for Novell NRM (version 6.5) systems this setting is labelled Novell NRM Port Number.
    • User Name and Password
      For Novell NRM systems, the user name and password that are required to access the system.
    • Username
      The name that is required to connect to the instance of Net-SNMP v3.
    • Authentication Password
      The password that is required to connect to the instance of Net-SNMP v3.
    • Authentication Method
      The method by which encrypted information traveling between the Net-SNMP instance and Uptime Infrastructure Monitor is authenticated.
    • Privacy Password
      The password used to encrypt information traveling between the instance of Net-SNMP v3 and Uptime Infrastructure Monitor.
    • Privacy Type
      The method by which information traveling between the instance of Net-SNMP v3 and Uptime Infrastructure Monitor is encrypted.
    • Use SSL (HTTPS)
      Select this option if the Platform Performance Gatherer securely communicates with the host using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
    • Check Interval
      The frequency, in minutes, at which the host is checked.
      If the Check Interval is longer than the Alert Interval, the following message appears:
      Warning: The alert interval is less than the check interval. up.time Uptime will only send alerts after performing checks
  5. Click Save.
