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Using Agent Monitors

Agent-based service monitors require either the up.time Agent to be installed and running on the monitored system, or for Windows systems, metrics collection via WMI.

Agents or WMI enable you to collect very detailed data about a system, such as information about processes and low-level system statistics. The level of granularity of the information collected by agents is greater than that of the information collected by agentless monitors.

The monitors that require an agent are:

Note that the up.time Agent service monitor specifically requires the up.time Agent, and cannot be used with systems whose metrics are collected via WMI.

Using Agentless Monitors

Agentless monitors do not require the monitored system use WMI or the up.time Agent. Your Monitoring Station communicates with the remote system to:

  • determine the status of the service that is being monitored
  • collect information from the service that is being monitored

The monitors that do not require an agent are:


Using Advanced Monitors

You can configure monitors to carry out service or performance checks that may be specific to your environment. Using advanced monitors, you can:

  • monitor any service that does not have an up.time service monitor
  • monitor the performance of Elements in your environment
  • perform common database administration tasks

For more information, see Advanced Monitors. Contact uptime software up.time Client Care for assistance with configuring advanced monitors.

Types of Advanced Monitors

There are three advanced monitors:

  • Custom

Monitors that return the status of a monitor and an automated message to clarify the returned status.

  • Custom with Retained Data

Monitors that return the following:

  • up to 10 values that you can capture and can evaluate
  • a return status
  • a message

You can also configure these monitors to save data to the database, which you can use to generate a Service Metrics report (see Service Monitor Metrics Report) or a Service Metrics graph (see ).

  • External Check

Monitors that rely on an external event to trigger the capture of service information. External check monitors enable you to determine when to collect service data based on an external application event that you specify.

For more information on configuring and using advanced monitors, see Advanced Monitors.

Selecting a Monitor

To select a monitor, do the following:

  1. Click Services on the up.time tool bar.
  2. In the left pane, click Add Service Monitor.
    The Add Service Monitor window appears.
  3. Select one of the monitors in the monitors that is listed in the window, and then click Continue.


Service Groups

Service groups are monitor templates that enable you to simultaneously apply a common service check to one or more hosts that you are monitoring. Defining and using service groups can simplify the setup and maintenance of common service checks that you want to perform across multiple hosts. When adding a host to up.time, you assign a service group to it instead of manually adding service checks.

For more information, see Understanding Service Groups.

Creating Service Groups

To create a service group that can be applied to physical systems and network devices being monitored by up.time , do the following:

  1. On the up.time tool bar, click Services.
  2. In the Tree panel, click Add Service Group.
    The Add Service Group window appears.
  3. Acknowledge the creation of a “regular” service group by clicking Continue.
  4. On the second Add Service Group screen, enter a descriptive name for this group in the Name of Service Group field.
  5. Optionally, enter a description of the group in the Description field.
  6. Select one of the following options from the Available Services dropdown list.
    • All
      View all of the services that are available.
    • The name of a host
      If you are monitoring large number of systems, this option enables you to filter the services based on the hosts that you have added to up.time.
  7. Select one or more services from the list, and then click Add.
  8. From the Available Element Groups list, select one or more existing groups to immediately associate with the service group, then click Add.
    Select the Include subgroups check box to ensure any nested groups are also included. (For more information, see Adding Nested Groups.)
  9. Select one of the following options from the Available Elements dropdown list:
    • All
      View all of the hosts that have been added to up.time.
    • The name of a group
      If you have grouped your hosts, use this option enables you to filter the hosts based on the groups that you have added to up.time. The names of the hosts in the group appear below the dropdown list.
      If you have hosts that are not members of a specific group, select My Infrastructure from the dropdown list to view the ungrouped hosts. If you have not created groups, the dropdown list is not available and a list of hosts appears in the list.
      See Working with Groups for more information about grouping hosts.
  10. Select one or more hosts from the list to immediately associate with the service group, then click Add.
  11. Click Finish.

Creating VMware vSphere Service Groups

To create a service group that will be used exclusively for VMware vCenter components, do the following:

  1. On the up.time tool bar, click Services.
  2. In the Tree panel, click Add Service Group.
    The Add Service Group window appears.
  3. Select the vSphere service group type, and click Continue.
  4. On the second Add Service Group screen, enter a descriptive name for this group in the Name of Service Group field.
  5. Optionally, enter a description of the group in the Description field.
  6. In the Select Master Services section, choose the existing service monitors that you would like to be in this vSphere service group.
  7. In the Select vCenter Server section, choose the monitored VMware vCenter to which the service group will apply.
  8. Using the subsequent sections for each type of VMware vCenter component, indicate how extensively and dynamically the service group will be applied:
    • none: the service group will not be applied to the indicated VMware vCenter component
    • any discovered: the service group will be unconditionally applied the VMware vCenter component type; this includes current existing components, as well as new ones that are detected through vSync
    • existing: the service group will only be applied to the existing datacenters, clusters, ESX hosts, resource pools, vApps, or VMs; it will not be applied to anything added to the up.time inventory via vSync after configuration
      If you select existing VMware vCenter components, in the selection tool that appears, choose the components to which the service group will apply.
  9. Click Finish.

Editing Service Groups

To edit a service group used for physical infrastructure assets, do the following:

  1. On the up.time tool bar, click Services.
  2. In the Tree panel, click View Service Groups.
  3. Click the Edit icon beside the name of the service group that you want to edit.
  4. To change the name and description of the group, do the following:
    • Enter a new name in the Name field.
    • Enter a new description of the service group in the Description field.
    • Click Save .
  5. To edit the services in the service group, do the following:
    • Add services by clicking on one or more services in the Available Master Services list, and then clicking Add .
    • Remove services by clicking on one or more services in the Selected Master Services list, and then clicking Remove .
    • Click Save.
  6. To edit the Element Groups assigned to the group, do the following:
    • Add Element Groups by clicking on one or more entries in the Available Element Groups list, and then clicking Add.
    • Modify whether an Element Group’s nested groups are included by selected or clearing the Include subgroups check box.
    • Remove systems by clicking on one or more entries in the Selected Element Groups list, and then clicking Remove.
    • Click Save.
  7. To edit the Elements in the group, do the following:
    • Add systems by clicking on one or more systems in the Available Elements list, and then clicking Add.
    • Remove systems by clicking on one or more systems in the Selected Elements list, and then clicking Remove.
    • Click Save.

Editing VMware vSphere Service Groups

To edit a service group used VMware vCenter components, do the following:

  1. On the up.time tool bar, click Services.
  2. In the Tree panel, click View Service Groups.
  3. Click the Edit icon beside the name of the service group that you want to edit.
  4. Change the relevant service group details:
    • In the Service Group section, enter a new name or description.
    • In the Select vCenter Server section, choose another VMware vCenter server whose components the service group will be applied.
    • In the relevant Select Member sections, modify how extensively or dynamically the service group will be applied to the VMware vCenter:
      • none: the service group will not be applied to the indicated VMware vCenter component
      • any discovered: the service group will be unconditionally applied the VMware vCenter component type; this includes current existing components, as well as new ones that are detected through vSync
      • existing: the service group will only be applied to the existing datacenters, clustesrclusters, ESX hosts, resource pools, vApps, or VMs; it will not be applied to anything added to the up.time inventory via vSync after configuration
      • If you select existing VMware vCenter components, in the selection tool that appears, choose the components to which the service group will apply.
  5. Click Finish.


The Platform Performance Gatherer

The Platform Performance Gatherer is a host check that collects basic performance metrics -- for example, CPU performance and disk statistics -- from a system in order to determine whether or not that system is functioning.

After an Element has been added to up.time, you can modify some of its settings (e.g., how frequently, and under which conditions an alert is triggered). The specific settings you can modify depend on the type of Element.

Editing the Platform Performance Gatherer

To edit the Platform Performance Gatherer settings, the following:

  1. On the Global Scan dashboard or My Infrastructure panel, click the gear icon beside the name of an Element, then click View.

  2. On the Element’s profile page, click the Services tab, then click Manage Services.
  3. Click the Edit icon for the Platform Performance Gatherer.
    The Edit Service Monitor window appears.
  4. Edit the settings for the Platform Performance Gatherer.
    While you can edit any setting, the settings that you are most likely to change, depending on the Element type, are as follows:
    • Port Number
      The number of the port on which the Platform Performance Gatherer is collecting data from a host.
      For most systems, this setting is labelled Agent Port Number . For systems running Net-SNMP this setting is labelled SNMP Port, and for Novell NRM (version 6.5) systems this setting is labelled Novell NRM Port Number.
    • User Name and Password
      For Novell NRM systems, the user name and password that are required to access the system.
    • Username
      The name that is required to connect to the instance of Net-SNMP v3.
    • Authentication Password
      The password that is required to connect to the instance of Net-SNMP v3.
    • Authentication Method
      The method by which encrypted information travelling traveling between the Net-SNMP instance and up.time will be authenticated.
    • Privacy Password
      The password that will be used to encrypt information travelling traveling between the instance of Net-SNMP v3 and up.time .
    • Privacy Type
      The method by which information travelling traveling between the instance of Net-SNMP v3 and up.time will be encrypted.
    • Use SSL (HTTPS)
      Select this option if the Platform Performance Gatherer will securely communicate with the host using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
    • Check Interval
      The frequency, in minutes, at which the host will be checked.
      If the Check Interval is longer than the Alert Interval, the following message appears:
      Warning: The alert interval is less than the check interval. up.time will only send alerts after performing checks
  5. Click Save.
