Uptime Infrastructure Monitor's logs can assist you with diagnostic steps that you may need to perform should you encounter problems. Problem reports can be generated for IDERA Customer Support if further analysis is required.

All Uptime Infrastructure Monitor logs are written to the /logs directory, and problem reports to the /GUI directory, both of which are found in the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor installation directory:

  • Linux: /usr/local/uptime/
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\uptime software\uptime


The following logs are available for troubleshooting. Depending on the type of investigation, output from multiple logs can be correlated.

Log NameDescription and Usesuptime.conf parameter and values

This is the base Uptime Infrastructure Monitor log. System events are automatically recorded to these weekly logs, which follow the uptime.log.<year>-<week>.log naming format.

You can determine the type of system information Uptime Infrastructure Monitor writes to the log (ranging from verbose, to informational, to critical errors) by setting the logging level. The default setting, INFO, essentially logs all system event types that are higher than the service or thread level (which are logged at the DEBUG setting). To reduce the number of log entries, you can limit logging to events with a higher level of severity, from WARN to FATAL. Note that each severity level is a subset of higher levels (e.g., setting loggingLevel to WARN means any WARN-, ERROR- or FATAL-level events are written to the log).


  • INFO (default)
  • WARN
  • ALL
  • OFF

This log is similar to the uptime.log, but has a more detailed breakdown of system information to assist with troubleshooting. Additional information includes the name of associated thread, the name of the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor component that logged the event, Element details, and if applicable, monitor, Element, VMware, user details.

Like the uptime.log, the number of log entries is also set by the loggingLevel parameter.


  • INFO (default)
  • WARN
  • ALL
  • OFF
uptime_exceptions.logAll DEBUG-level Java runtime exceptions evoked by Uptime Infrastructure Monitor actions. Full stack traces are channeled to this log to lighten and accompany the core uptime.log and uptime_diagnostics.log files. Use the context marker in the core log to find the exception in this log.N/A
uptime_console.logAll Java-related command-line feedback based on Uptime Infrastructure Monitor activity is routed to this log, providing extra information that may not be captured in the standard Uptime Infrastructure Monitor log.N/A

Uptime Infrastructure Monitor can record changes to the application’s configuration in an audit log, and is essentially a record of which user performed which action, and when.

The following is an example of an audit log entry:

2006-02-23 12:28:20,082 - kdawg: ADDSYSTEM [cfgcheck=true, 
port=9998, number=1, use-ssl=false, systemType=1, hostname=, 
displayName=MailMain, systemSystemGroup=1, serviceGroup=, description=, 

There are many uses for the audit log. For example, you can use it to track changes to your Uptime Infrastructure Monitor environment for compliance with your security or local policies. You can also use the audit log to debug problems that were introduced into your Uptime Infrastructure Monitor installation by a specific configuration change; the audit log enables you to determine who made the change and when it took effect.

By default, the auditEnabled parameter in uptime.conf is not defined, which means it is effectively disabled.


  • yes
  • no

A summary of which Uptime Infrastructure Monitor access-related actions, mainly database queries, were evoked by which service or user, and the execution time. This database-focused log can be used in conjunction with the more user-focused audit.log.

thirdparty.logAggregation of warnings and errors logged by thirdparty libraries that Uptime Infrastructure Monitor is using, such as the iReasoning library for SNMP monitoring. Correlating these with the other logs may help with investigation.N/A


When SQL logging is enabled with the assistance of IDERA Customer Support, these log shows all SQL queries, with and without execution time, respectively. Queries in uptime_sql.log are listed before execution, which can be compared with the second log to determine conflicts and deadlocks.contact Customer Support


Problem Reports

When you encounter a problem with Uptime Infrastructure Monitor, Customer Support needs a specific set of information to diagnose and fix the problem. Uptime Infrastructure Monitor can automatically collect this information and compress it in an archive which you can send to Customer Support.

The archive contains the following:

  • Uptime Infrastructure Monitor configuration files
  • system information
  • log files
  • database information and error files
  • Java hs_err_pid error files
  • a listing of the DataStore directory
  • optionally, a copy of the configuration data from the DataStore

The archive is saved to the GUI/problemreports directory on the Monitoring Station and has a file name with the following format:

  •  YYYYMMDD is the date on which the report was generated (for example, 20101224).
  • HHMMSS is the time at which the report was generated (for example, 202306).
Generating a Problem Report

To generate a problem report, do the following:

  1. On the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor tool bar, click Config.
  2. In the tree panel, click Problem Reporting.
  3. Configure the Report Options:
    1. Indicate whether to Include configuration and service monitor status history, and if so, how many months' worth of data.
    2. If configuration information is included, indicate whether to also Include the last hour of performance data.
      Adding performance data can result in a significantly larger problem report, requiring an appropriate amount of resources to generate, and time to download. This data, however, can help determine whether your Uptime Infrastructure Monitor instance is running correctly.
    3. Indicate whether to include the database check output in the problem report.
      When this option is enabled, Uptime Infrastructure Monitor runs the dbchecker script with the default values on your DataStore. This integrity test allows you to ensure there are no database issues that are part of, or are at the root of the problem. Disable this check box to improve generation performance by skipping the database check.
  4. Click the Generate Report button.
    When the report is generated, it appears in the Existing Problem Reports section below, along with problem reports that were previously generated.
  5. Click the name of the problem report to download it to your local file system, then send the archive to IDERA Customer Support at [email protected].