Use the following steps to move your up.time datastore to a different directory:

  1. Stop the up.time Controller, Data Collector, and Data Store services.  See Starting (or restarting) and Stopping Uptime Infrastructure Monitor for specific examples.
  2. Move the \datastore\data folder to your desired location.
  3. Edit the \mysql\my.ini file by updating the following line so that it points to the new location of the datastore:

    datadir="C:/Program Files/uptime software/uptime/datastore/data/"
  4. Start the up.time Data Store, Data Collector, and Controller services. See Starting (or restarting) and Stopping Uptime Infrastructure Monitor for specific examples.
  5. Confirm the change by checking the timestamps of the ibdata* files in the new datastore directory and verify that you can successfully log in to the up.time UI.