Proceed to the appropriate section depending on your Monitoring Station platform:

Installing on Windows

On Windows, the up.time Controller is installed using a graphical installer that guides you through the steps of the installation process.

  1. Double-click the executable installer:
  2. Accept or modify the default install location for the Controller files (C:\Program Files\uptime software\uptime\controller), then click Next.
  3. Accept or modify the default up.time Controller Port, then click Next.
    This is the port through which the up.time Controller actively listens for API calls. This port number is written to the <installDirectory>\etc\jetty-ssl.xml file.

  4. Provide keystore configuration details so that the install process can generate the issuer for the Controller's self-signed certificate, and password for the key pair's private key.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the database platform that contains your up.time DataStore, then provide the following connection information:
  7. Click Next to accept these database changes, then Next to begin the installation process.
  8. When the up.time Controller is installed, click Next.

  9. Optionally Generate an automatic installation script, then click Done.

Installing on Linux

For information on using the API on Linux Monitoring Stations, contact uptime software Customer Support for more information.

Post-Installation Tasks

These post-installation tasks are highly recommended for all up.time Controller installations.