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up.time Version 7.1 Release Notes - November 2012

Note: Users running the up.time Monitoring Station on a Windows system must perform specific steps in order to properly upgrade to version 7.1. See Upgrading a Windows Monitoring Station for information.

Table of Contents

New Features in Version 7.1

up.time 7.1 contains the following new features:

up.time Controller

up.time is now available as a RESTful Web API. The API, or up.time Controller, allows users to customize up.time outside of its core feature set. It runs as a separate service from the Core service (i.e., Data Collector), allowing for the broadening of its functionality with subsequent up.time releases. In this 7.1 release, the implementation centers around GET methods, focusing on end-user views. This implementation includes up.time user authentication and error handling.

Administrators will be able to access up.time data including the following:

  • lists of Element groups, Elements, and child services
  • Element status
  • outage times and time of last check at various hierarchy levels
  • alert acknowledgements

This type of data can be used to assemble dashboards that suit various end-user requirements for your organization. For example, up.time's status and alert information can be implemented as part of a robust mobile application that distills information for off-site escalations staff:


For information about the up.time Controller, see the following resources.

64-bit Components

up.time now runs entirely on 64-bit components, including the bundled MySQL and Java Runtime Environment. Moving exclusively to a 64-bit platform facilitates compatibility and performance, which translates to improved overall responsiveness of up.time operations for end users. To accommodate this change, platform support is limited to 64-bit operating systems and architectures. See Removal of 32-bit Platform Support for more information.

Changes to Existing Features

Removal of 32-bit Platform Support

To accommodate the transition to 64-bit components, the Monitoring Station is no longer supported on 32-bit operating systems and architectures.

The following platforms are no longer supported on 32-bit architecture, but are correspondingly supported on 64-bit architectures:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1
  • Solaris 10
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 7 SP1
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2008 R1 SP1

Running the up.time installer on an unsupported platform will cause an error whose feedback will not always indicate compatibility paths:

/root/up.time-7.1.0-sles.bin: line 2430: /tmp/install.dir.2820/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java: cannot execute binary file
/root/up.time-7.1.0-sles.bin: line 2430: /tmp/install.dir.2820/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java: Success

Before attempting to run the installer, ensure you are installing on a supported Monitoring Station platform.

Auto Discovery

Auto Discovery's performance and usability have been improved:

  • Auto Discovery performance has been significantly improved, making mass additions much faster
  • users can optimize searches by toggling which Element types (Agent, WMI, net-SNMP, SNMP device) are enabled for discovery
  • Auto Discovery's progress is now visually displayed
  • to fine-tune the list of discovered systems for addition, users can optionally hide existing up.time Elements from the results
  • users can use the select All checkbox to expedite bulk additions

Action Profiles and Windows Data Collection Methods

The way Action Profiles refer to services on Windows systems is now consistent for different data collection methods. When up.time uses WMI to retrieve system information, like the up.time Agent, it now refers to a service by its display name instead of its service name. The display name of a service appears in the Name column of the Services Control Panel, and in the Description column of the Windows Task Manager Services tab.

All customers who have existing Action Profiles that act on Windows systems that retrieve data using WMI will need to update them. The value in the Action Profiles' Windows Service field needs to be changed from service name to display name.

Other Changes to Existing Features

UTS-129added netcat, SFTP, and text editor to the up.time Virtual Appliance distribution


ulimit value for up.time Virtual Appliance has been increased to 4096

Upgrade Notices

Upgrading a Windows Monitoring Station

Due to the transition to 64-bit components, and to changes to the bundled MySQL to a 64-bit variant, requires manual upgrade steps for Windows-based Monitoring Stations. To perform an upgrade from version 7.0 to 7.1, review then execute the following steps:

  1. From your current v7.0 installation, back up the following files:
    • <installPath>\uptime\uptime.conf
    • <installPath>\uptime\license.dat
    • <installPath>\uptime\apache\php\php.ini
    • <installPath>\uptime\apache\conf\httpd.conf
    • <installPath>\uptime\mysql\my.ini
  2. From the Add or remove programs Control Panel, remove your up.time version 7.0 installation.


    Your current DataStore files will not be removed.

  3. Reboot your system.
    Although this is not a mandatory step, rebooting will ensure all open files and sessions that are linked to up.time processes are completely closed and shut down.
  4. Run the full v7.1 installer.
    See the Installation and Quick-Start Guide for information on installation the Monitoring Station on the Windows platform.

  5. After installing up.time, open the Services Control Panel on the Monitoring Station, and stop the up.time services in the following order:
    • up.time Web Server
    • up.time Data Collector
    • up.time Data Store
  6. Copy the previously backed-up v7.0 license file to your v7.1 installation:
    • <installPath>\uptime\license.dat

    Since there have been additions to the httpd.conf and uptime.conf files from v7.0 and v7.1, you cannot copy the files to the new v7.1 installation.

  7. Edit each of the following configuration files to bring forward any configuration changes you may have made in 7.0 to the 7.1 config files.  Refer to the config files backed up in step 1, a diff tool is recommended.
    • <installPath>\uptime\uptime.conf (e.g., Database Config Block, serviceThreads, connectionPoolMaximum, 
      httpContext, externalErdcScriptPath)
    • <installPath>\uptime\apache\php\php.ini
    • <installPath>\uptime\apache\conf\httpd.conf (e.g., SSL Configuration, Listen Port, LoadModule Additions)
    • <installPath>\uptime\mysql\my.ini
  8. If you are using an Oracle or SQL Server DataStore please move directly to step 17.  If you are running up.time using the default MySQL DataStore please complete steps 9-16
  9. Copy the 7.0 DataStore dir to the 7.1 installation location e.g., if you are using the default up.time installation path then use Windows explorer to perform the following copy operation replacing the existing 'data' directory.

    No Format
    1) Delete C:\Program Files\uptime software\uptime\datastore\data
    2) Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\uptime software\uptime\datastore\data in to 
       C:\Program Files\uptime software\uptime\datastore

    If your current DataStore is on a mounted drive or non-standard location it may be preferable to simply update the datadir= in your <installPath>\uptime\mysql\my.ini to the up.time DataStore location

  10. In the Services Control Panel, start the up.time Data Store service.
  11. At the command line, switch to the following directory:
  12. With the up.time DataStore running, execute the MySQL upgrade command-line scrip using the 'root' database user:
    mysql_upgrade.exe -u[userame] -p[password]

    c:\Program Files\uptime software\uptime\mysql\bin>mysql_upgrade.exe -uroot -puptimerocks
    Looking for 'mysql.exe' as: c:\Program Files\uptime software\uptime\mysql\bin\mysql.exe
    Looking for 'mysqlcheck.exe' as: c:\Program Files\uptime software\uptime\mysql\bin\mysqlcheck.exe
    Running 'mysqlcheck' with connection arguments: "--port=3308"
    Running 'mysqlcheck' with connection arguments: "--port=3308"
    mysql.columns_priv                                 OK
    mysql.db                                           OK
    mysql.func                                         OK
    error    : Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `help_category`" or dump/reload to fix it!
    error    : Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `help_keyword`" or dump/reload to fix it!
    mysql.help_relation                                OK
    error    : Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `help_topic`" or dump /reload to fix it!                                         OK
    mysql.tables_priv                                  OK
    mysql.time_zone                                    OK
    mysql.time_zone_leap_second                        OK
    error    : Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `time_zone_name`" or dump/reload to fix it!
    mysql.time_zone_transition                         OK
    mysql.time_zone_transition_type                    OK
    mysql.user                                         OK
    uptime.ack_history                                 OK
    uptime.action                                      OK
    uptime.action_argument                             OK
    uptime.action_argument_value                       OK
    uptime.action_permission                           OK
    uptime.action_profile                              OK
    uptime.action_profile_membership                   OK
    uptime.alert_delivery_type                         OK
    uptime.alert_delivery_type_membership              OK
    uptime.alert_notification_groups                   OK
    uptime.alert_profile                               OK
    uptime.application_erdc_membership                 OK
    uptime.application_rule                            OK
    uptime.archive_delenda                             OK
    uptime.archive_policy                              OK
    uptime.auto_discovery_results                      OK
    uptime.combined_time_period                        OK
    uptime.comparison_rule_type                        OK
    uptime.configuration                               OK
    uptime.data_center_config_check                    OK
    uptime.data_center_details                         OK
    uptime.data_type                                   OK
    uptime.dbversion                                   OK
    uptime.dependent_node                              OK
    uptime.distribution_list                           OK
    uptime.ems_info                                    OK
    uptime.entity                                      OK
    uptime.entity_configuration                        OK
    uptime.entity_configuration_change                 OK
    uptime.entity_configuration_cpu                    OK
    uptime.entity_configuration_current                OK
    uptime.entity_configuration_disc                   OK
    uptime.entity_configuration_fs                     OK
    uptime.entity_configuration_interface              OK
    uptime.entity_configuration_lvm                    OK
    uptime.entity_group                                OK
    uptime.entity_latest_data_sample                   OK
    uptime.entity_lpar_instance                        OK
    uptime.entity_performance_summary                  OK
    uptime.entity_status                               OK
    uptime.entity_subtype                              OK
    uptime.entity_subtype_input                        OK
    uptime.entity_type                                 OK
    uptime.entity_view                                 OK
    uptime.entity_view_entity                          OK
    uptime.entity_view_group                           OK
    uptime.entity_view_user                            OK
    uptime.entity_view_user_group                      OK
    uptime.entity_vmware_instance                      OK
    uptime.erdc_action_profiles                        OK
    uptime.erdc_alert_profiles                         OK
    uptime.erdc_base                                   OK
    uptime.erdc_base_type                              OK
    uptime.erdc_configuration                          OK
    uptime.erdc_decimal_data                           OK
    uptime.erdc_gui_type                               OK
    uptime.erdc_instance                               OK
    uptime.erdc_instance_maintenance                   OK
    uptime.erdc_int_data                               OK
    uptime.erdc_parameter                              OK
    uptime.erdc_request_parameter                      OK
    uptime.erdc_retained_parameter                     OK
    uptime.erdc_select_option                          OK
    uptime.erdc_status_retention                       OK
    uptime.erdc_status_transition_log                  OK
    uptime.erdc_string_data                            OK
    uptime.erdc_validation_rule                        OK
    uptime.flattened_topology                          OK
    uptime.group_maintenance                           OK
    uptime.host_maintenance                            OK
    uptime.maintenance                                 OK
    uptime.nav_menu                                    OK
    uptime.net_device_config                           OK
    uptime.net_device_perf_latest_sample               OK
    uptime.net_device_perf_ping                        OK
    uptime.net_device_perf_port                        OK
    uptime.net_device_perf_sample                      OK
    uptime.net_device_port_config                      OK
    uptime.netflow_element                             OK
    uptime.network_device_summary                      OK
    uptime.notification_group                          OK
    uptime.notification_group_dist                     OK
    uptime.notification_group_membership               OK
    uptime.object_permission                           OK
    uptime.performance_aggregate                       OK
    uptime.performance_cpu                             OK
    uptime.performance_disk                            OK
    uptime.performance_disk_total                      OK
    uptime.performance_esx3_workload                   OK
    uptime.performance_fscap                           OK
    uptime.performance_lpar_workload                   OK
    uptime.performance_network                         OK
    uptime.performance_nrm                             OK
    uptime.performance_psinfo                          OK
    uptime.performance_sample                          OK
    uptime.performance_vxvol                           OK
    uptime.performance_who                             OK
    uptime.ranged_object                               OK
    uptime.ranged_object_value                         OK
    uptime.replicated_entity_catch_up                  OK
    uptime.replication_group                           OK
    uptime.service_level_objective                     OK
    uptime.servicegroup                                OK
    uptime.servicegroup_associations                   OK
    uptime.servicegroup_clone                          OK
    uptime.servicegroup_entity_groups                  OK
    uptime.servicegroup_hosts                          OK
    uptime.servicegroup_masters                        OK
    uptime.servicegroup_vsphere                        OK
    uptime.simple_rule                                 OK
    uptime.sla_details                                 OK
    uptime.slo_membership                              OK
    uptime.snmp_poller_config                          OK
    uptime.snmp_settings                               OK
    uptime.status_type                                 OK
    uptime.stored_report                               OK
    uptime.stored_report_log                           OK
    uptime.time_block                                  OK
    uptime.time_period                                 OK
    uptime.time_period_element                         OK
    uptime.tip                                         OK
    uptime.topology_entities                           OK
    uptime.topology_groups                             OK
    uptime.user_group                                  OK
    uptime.user_group_entity_groups                    OK
    uptime.user_group_entity_membership                OK
    uptime.user_group_entity_visibility                OK
    uptime.user_group_membership                       OK
    uptime.user_object_permission                      OK
    uptime.user_role                                   OK
    uptime.user_role_action_permission                 OK
    uptime.users                                       OK
    uptime.validation_error_message                    OK
    uptime.validation_rule_parameters                  OK
    uptime.value_counter                               OK
    uptime.vcenter_action_alert_settings               OK
    uptime.vcenter_agent_wmi_settings                  OK
    uptime.virtual_center_settings                     OK
    uptime.vmo_action                                  OK
    uptime.vmo_action_input                            OK
    uptime.vmware_config_compute_resource              OK
    uptime.vmware_config_folder                        OK
    uptime.vmware_config_host_datastore                OK
    uptime.vmware_config_host_interface                OK
    uptime.vmware_config_host_system                   OK
    uptime.vmware_config_host_vnetwork                 OK
    uptime.vmware_config_resource_pool                 OK
    uptime.vmware_config_virtual_app                   OK
    uptime.vmware_config_vm                            OK
    uptime.vmware_config_vm_vdisk                      OK
    uptime.vmware_config_vm_vnic                       OK
    uptime.vmware_latest_basic_sample                  OK
    uptime.vmware_latest_datastore_sample              OK
    uptime.vmware_object                               OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_aggregate                       OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_cluster                         OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_datastore_usage                 OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_datastore_vm_usage              OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_disk_rate                       OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_entitlement                     OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_host_cpu                        OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_host_disk_io                    OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_host_disk_io_adv                OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_host_network                    OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_host_power_state                OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_mem                             OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_mem_advanced                    OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_network_rate                    OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_sample                          OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_vm_cpu                          OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_vm_disk_io                      OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_vm_network                      OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_vm_power_state                  OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_vm_storage_usage                OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_vm_vcpu                         OK
    uptime.vmware_perf_watts                           OK
    uptime.vsync_update                                OK
    Repairing tables
    mysql.help_category                                OK
    mysql.help_keyword                                 OK
    mysql.help_topic                                   OK
    mysql.time_zone_name                               OK
    Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'...

    up.time's bundled MySQL has default access information; if you modified the up.time database user after installation, provide that username and password information instead.

  13. Type the following to gain access to the MySQL database using the 'root' database user:
    mysql -u[username] -p[password] -P 3308 --protocol=tcp uptime
  14. At the mysql> prompt, enter the following SQL statement to set the correct privileges before completely starting running up.time:
    GRANT CREATE VIEW ON *.* TO 'uptime'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'uptime';

  15. Check the database version table to verify that up.time data is available.

    Code Block
    mysql> select * from dbversion;
    | id | major | minor | revision | applied             |
    |  1 |     7 |     0 |        0 | 2012-10-23 09:46:51 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  16. Start the up.time Data Collector service start the up.time data collector to run the database upgrade, when complete you can check the database version table again to verify.

    Code Block
    mysql> select * from dbversion;
    | id | major | minor | revision | applied             |
    |  1 |     7 |     0 |        0 | 2012-10-23 09:46:51 |
    |  2 |     7 |     1 |        0 | 2012-10-23 14:22:22 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  17. Start the up.time Data Collector service if it is not already started.
  18. Start the up.time Web Server service.
    Your 7.1 up.time installation is ready to use.

Solaris Monitoring Station Support

For the next up.time release, Monitoring Station support on the Solaris platform will be removed. For this 7.1 release, upgrade installers will be available to existing customers; however, all Solaris users are advised to consider a migration strategy to one of the supported Monitoring Station platforms.


Note that support removal is only for Solaris as a Monitoring Station platform. Solaris monitoring (i.e. up.time Agents for Solaris) will continue to be supported and updated.

Platform Support and Integration Changes in 7.1

Visit uptime software’s Knowledge Base for the latest comprehensive listing of currently supported monitoring station, database, and agent platforms. The following summarizes platform support changes for up.time since the previous release.

Monitoring Station
new supported platform versions:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.2

no longer supported:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.1

Windows Server 2003 R2

Windows Vista

no longer supported on 32-bit architecture, but
still supported or newly added for 64-bit architecture:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1

Solaris 10

Windows 7

Windows 7 SP1

Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows Server 2008 R1 SP1

Monitoring Station DataStore
new supported database version:

Microsoft SQL Server 2012

MySQL 5.5 (64-bit)

has limited support status and may no
longer be supported in a future release:

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R1

Oracle 11g R1

no longer supported:MySQL 5.0
Monitoring Station Browser
Due to the rapid release cycle of Chrome and Firefox, the latest version of up.time is fully supported on the latest browser versions available at the time release testing began.

new supported browser versions:

Chrome 21

Firefox 14

has entered, or currently has, limited support
status, and will not be supported in a future release:

Chrome 18

Firefox 11

Internet Explorer 8

no longer supported:

Chrome 14

Firefox 3–7

Agent-Based Monitoring
no changes this release
Agentless Monitoring
new supported monitoring platforms:

VMware ESX and ESXi 4.1, Update 2

VMware ESXi 5.0, Update 1

VMware vCenter server 5.0, Update 1

currently has limited support status and may no
longer be supported in a future release:

IBM pSeries HMC V6R1.3

IBM pSeries HMC V7R3.1.0–3.5.0

VMware ESX and ESXi 3.5, Update 1–5

Windows XP Professional SP3
(for Windows Management Instrumentation)

no longer supported:VMware vCenter server 2.5
Service Monitors
new supported service monitor platforms:

WebSphere 8

currently has limited support status and may no
longer be supported in a future release:


Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Oracle 9i

WebSphere 6.1

Platform Integration
no changes this release

Installing up.time

On the uptime software Support Portal, you will find various documents and articles that will guide you through a first-time installation or upgrade.

Installing for the First Time

A complete, first-time deployment of up.time and its agents is a straightforward process. Refer to the Installation and Quick-Start Guide for complete instructions on performing a first-time installation.

Upgrading from a Previous Version

You can only upgrade directly to up.time 7.1 if your current installed version is version 7.0. Users who are running version 6.0 or 6.0.1 must first upgrade to 7.0 before upgrading to 7.1. Users who are running version 5.5 or earlier must upgrade to 6.0 or 6.0.1 as a starting point. (Refer to the uptime software Knowledge Base for specific version upgrade paths.) If you are eligible for a direct upgrade path, you can upgrade using the installer for your Monitoring Station’s operating system. The upgrade process installs new features, and does not modify or delete your existing data.

If your current version is older than the version required for a direct upgrade, refer to for information on supported upgrade paths. There, you will also find more detailed installation information, including specific upgrade paths.


If you are working with a version of up.time that has been customized in any manner beyond the standard installation downloaded from the uptime software Web site, contact uptime software Support before performing an upgrade.

Resolved Issues in 7.1


fixed issue where Ghost entity_id reference were created when migrating VmwareObjects from one vCenter to another

UTS-300fixed issue causing DNRs, exceptions and search failures due to null hostnames being set when using vSync
fixed issue with reporting (VM Sprawl) where entries that were missing due to archiving resulted in an Error generating report message; reports will now generated, with missing dates listed as Not Available

when adding network devices, descriptions are more readable if the OID sysDescr object description is in hex


improved error messaging for up.time connections with SNMP devices (unknown host, timeout, SNMP errors)


fixed issue with Oracle-based DataStores where standard database configuration checks were incorrectly logged as a change (insertion of empty strings as null)


correct associations between Elements and services are managed when Elements are moved between different Element groups or service groups


regular expressions that are part of File System Capacity service monitor configuration no longer miss system drives when processed


fixed isssue with Service Monitor Metrics report where an Element selected for reporting is not retained on the second configuration page


to help avoid cryptic script output, the File and Directory plug-in monitor's UPTIME_SYSTEM_TYPE variable now returns up.time Agent or WMI information whether the system is a VM


fixed issue with LPAR Workload - CPU graph on Internet Explorer where the y-axis label overlapped the y-axis values.


improved user feedback when an SMTP test fails to connect with a cloud email provider

Contacting Support

uptime software delivers responsive customer support that is available to both licensed and demonstration users. uptime software offers user support through the following:

Contacting uptime software

uptime software inc.
555 Richmond Street West,
PO Box 110
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3B1

Main Telephone Line: +1-416-868-0152
Main Fax Line: +1-416-868-4867

Copyright © 2012 uptime software inc.

uptime software inc. considers information included in this documentation to be proprietary. Your use of this information is subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement.

Restricted Rights Legend

This product or document is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses (see “up.time End User License Agreement”) restricting its use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of this product or document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of up.time and its licensors, if any.

Third party software is copyright and licensed from uptime software suppliers.

Documentation is provided “as is” and all express or implied conditions, representations, and warranties including any implied warranty or mechantability are disclaimed, except to the extent that such disclaimers are held to be legally invalid.


up.time® is a registered trademark of uptime software inc.

IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

iText is used under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

Oracle and Solaris are registered trademarks, and the Oracle product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

Microsoft, Windows, Microsoft SQL Server, and other such trademarks are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Sybase, PowerBuilder, and other such trademarks are the registered trademarks of Sybase Incorporated.

VMware, VMware vSphere, ESX server, and other such trademarks are the registered trademarks of VMware, Inc.

All other trademarks belong to their respective companies, property owners, and organizations.