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The environment variables passed to the alert script and their meanings are included below but for the latest documentation please refer to Alert Profile and Action Profile Variables:

VariableDescriptionExample Contents
Service Message Fields - These will remain constant for each execution of your script associated with a single service outage.
UPTIME_ALERTTYPEThis is the type of alert messageOne of: Problem, Recovery
UPTIME_HOSTNAMEThe name of the host that the service outage is associated with.oracle_server
UPTIME_HOSTSTATUSThe status of the host that the service outage is associated with.One of: OK, WARN, CRIT, MAINT, UNKNOWN
UPTIME_MESSAGEThe output section of the alert.Type: Problem
Service: db_status (CRIT/threshold error)
Host: oracle_db (OK)
UPTIME_SUBJECTThe subject line that would normally appear in an emailed alert for this alert.Uptime Alert - UPTIME-oracle_server -> CRIT
UPTIME_SVCNAMEThe name of the service monitor generating this alert.UPTIME-oracle_server
UPTIME_SVCOUTPUTThe output of the service monitor generating this alert.processoccurrences: 0 is less than 1
UPTIME_SVCSTATUSThe current status of the service monitor generating this alert.One of: OK, WARN, CRIT, MAINT, UNKNOWN.
UPTIME_DATETIMEThe date and time of the alert.Mon May 15 11:12:22 EDT 2006
User related fields - these will change for each user that is passed to your script, the script will be executed once for each user that should be notified.
UPTIME_CONTACTLOGINNAMEThe login name of the user who is being notified.testuser
UPTIME_DESKTOPHOSTThe windows desktop hostname setting for the user being notified.testuser-pc
UPTIME_DESKTOPWORKGROUPThe windows workgroup for the desktop host specified above.WORKGROUP
UPTIME_EMAILThe email address associated with the user who is being notified.[email protected]
UPTIME_MOBILEThe pager number associated with the user being notified.[email protected]
General fields
UPTIME_SCRIPTThe name of the current script being executed.C:/Program Files/uptime software/uptime4/scripts/my_custom_alerter.bat
UPTIME_SMTPHELOSTRINGThe HELO string used in your SMTP server configuration. 
UPTIME_SMTPPASSWORDThe password used from authentication in your SMTP server configuration. 
UPTIME_SMTPPORTThe server port used in your SMTP server configuration. 
UPTIME_SMTPSENDERThe sender address string used in your SMTP server configuration. 
UPTIME_SMTPSERVERThe server hostname used in your SMTP server configuration. 
UPTIME_SMTPUSERThe user name used for authentication in your SMTP server configuration. 
